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Biointegrable Soft Actuators Alimented by Metabolic Energy (INTEGRATE)

INTEGRATE is a multidisciplinary research program funded by the European Innovation Council and the Swiss Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.


The project aims to lay the foundations of a new revolutionary technology to build soft actuating devices that use metabolic (biochemical) energy to function and, hence, do not need external power sources. Implantable devices based on this technology will be soft like healthy muscles, surgically implantable in the body to replace damaged muscles or integrated into more complex prosthetic devices and alimented by small and non-invasive power units integrated within the body. 


The INTEGRATE consortium comprises four research institutions –  Adolphe Merkle Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology, CNRS Orsay, and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (UTV) - and the research association Vetha.


Find out more by watching INTEGRATE's presentation video.

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